Barossa Reservoir Whispering Wall

Barossa Reservoir

Barossa Reservoir is a reservoir in South Australia, built between 1899 and 1902 to supply water to Gawler and other northern areas of the country. Upon completion, the reservoir was hailed as an engineering marvel, and a total of 36 meters, was the highest in Australia. The small bow embankment dam, curved against the pressure of water was considered radical innovation. I was featured in the Scientific American magazine and caused the American Engineers News remarque his "daring design deserves to rank with the most famous dams in the world." Today, the dam is characterized by its parable effect, where a voice is clearly heard from one side to another - more than 140 meters from the end to end. This unusual acoustic phenomenon is a popular tourist attraction, and has earned the title of prey "Whispering Wall"

The Barossa reservoir was formed by damming the creek Yettie Creek in North Mountain Lofty Ranges, a feat that took more than 400 men. Its water comes through a two kilometer tunnel, dug by horse power, from the south to the river and the reservoir, and the reservoir is complemented by Warren and Murray River. Apart from its acoustic sexy, Whisper Wall offers great views of the Barossa reservoir and the natural bounty of the surrounding well preserved. The area is filled with thick bushes and pine trees and a thriving bird life and animals. It is a popular destination for picnicking and bird watching.

Barossa Reservoir

Barossa Reservoir

Barossa Reservoir

The shape of the dam wall means that someone standing on the platform at one end can be heard clearly on the platform at the other end.

Barossa Reservoir

Barossa Reservoir

Barossa Reservoir

The Whispering Wall carries sounds clearly over 140 meters. 

Barossa Reservoir

The reservoir from the dam arched.

Barossa Reservoir

Barossa Reservoir from the air

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