Untold Stories of the blue whale - the largest creature on earth

The blue whale is the largest animal on the planet . Her weight, in exceptional cases, up to 200 tons and a length of 33 meters. This endangered. It is estimated that the number is around 1,000 copies worldwide and reproduction is very slow.

blue whale - the largest creature on earth

The tail fin may be as wide as a football goal.

blue whale - the largest creature on earth

The heart of a blue whale is the size of a Mini Cooper, and the heart of an adult whale can weigh about 900 kilos. Just beats once every ten seconds and can be heard from three miles away. An agile person could crawl through its major arteries. 

blue whale - the largest creature on earth

Blue Whales can be identified by their skin marks. The marks on the skin of each blue whale are unique, like fingerprints that distinguish one whale from another.

blue whale - the largest creature on earth

The blue whale has lungs the size of a closet, spend most of their lives underwater and rise to the surface only a few seconds to fill their huge lungs. With each massive breath through your upper nostril whale exchanged 80 to 90 percent of the air from his lungs, in contrast, humans exchanged only 10 to 15 percent air.

blue whale - the largest creature on earth

It is believed that a blue whale lived 110 years. These whales are thought to have excellent eyesight, which helps them navigate the dark ocean environment. The age of a blue whale can be estimated by examining the earwax from your ear after his death. A number of layers are added to the hole every year. Scientists estimate that the average life expectancy of the blue whale is 80 to 90 years.

blue whale - the largest creature on earth

A blue whales lack the eyelashes and eyelid glands. They have very small eyes in relation to their huge bodies, the size of a grapefruit. Is believed to have a limited view, but little else is known about his vision. - 100 people could fit in the mouth of a blue whale. When you eat, pick up a big gulp of water filled with krill. Next, the filtered water whale with his huge tongue pushing it forward while contracting your throat. Krill is beards trapped whale maxilla. The tongue of a blue whale weighs as much as an elephant. 

blue whale - the largest creature on earth

 The geyser of their nasal bore can shoot up to a height of three stories. This breathing hole is like a huge pair of nostrils, each large enough for a small child to enter them. When a whale comes to the surface, exhale, and then inhale enough air to fill a truck, all in 1.5 seconds. The nasal spray orifice of a blue whale can soar in the air as high as 9 meters. The force of this blow can create a thunderous sound, audible for miles.

blue whale - the largest creature on earth

When a whale dives, double tail fins leave circular splash water on the surface of a soft spot. Splashes of blue whales are large, long-lived due to the strength in depth of diving, and can persist in the ocean surface long after the whale is gone.

blue whale - the largest creature on earth

 Blue Whales often seem to have a pale blue-gray color, but can also be gray or tan silver depending on the light. The underside of the wings of the Blue Whale can be a light gray or white. Each blue whale has between 80 and 100 long run lengthwise slits his throat and chest.

blue whale - the largest creature on earth

An adult whale can be twice the length of a city bus. The backbone of this marine mammal is very flexible in the vertical plane, but much less in the horizontal plane, so that the power of the blue whale often roll on their sides in order to make sharp turns into clouds of krill.

blue whale - the largest creature on earth

blue whale - the largest creature on earth

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